Do Research

The Mpala Research Centre welcomes applications by scientists and graduate students proposing new research projects. Research can be conducted at Mpala by any applicant with an explicitly proposed, funded, and approved project.

Project Selection Policy
The Mpala Research Centre was created as a facility for research and training in the environmental sciences, biodiversity conservation, and natural resources management. Proposals promising scientific excellence on any subject are welcomed, but those that focus on understanding and preserving the integrity of the Ewaso ecosystem, maintaining the productivity of its natural resources, and serving the interests of the people who share the landscape are especially encouraged.

Application Procedure
Individuals wishing to conduct research at Mpala must apply formally to Mpala by submitting an application.

Individuals wishing to conduct field research in Kenya must also apply for a permit from the Kenya Government well in advance. We recommend that all applications be submitted as soon as approval from Mpala’s Science Advisory Board is secured.

See the Research Permits page for more details on the steps, processes, useful links and documents.