Health matters

Depending on the nature and severity of a particular injury or illness, there are several medical options at or around the Research Centre. We have a basic first aid box in the Administration Office and in the Control Room for small injuries (12 Research Centre staff are trained and certified in occupational first aid and fire safety). Mpala’s mobile clinic, based on the Ranch, provides some medication and basic treatment 24 hours a day. The Nanyuki Cottage Hospital, a private hospital located in Nanyuki town, less than an hour away, has excellent, well-trusted staff and can treat most illnesses, injuries and minor emergencies.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website discusses health risks in Kenya and should be consulted by anyone travelling to Mpala from outside Kenya; see Visitors also are advised to check with their doctor or Health Department for necessary immunizations before arrival. Malaria is rare at Mpala and is usually contracted when travelling outside Laikipia. However, we advise sleeping under mosquito nets (which are provided). If you plan to travel elsewhere in Kenya, you should consult your doctor or Health Department for up-to-date details about prevention and cure of malaria. Drinking only bottled water or water that you know is sterilised and filtered, can prevent water borne diseases.

Medical Evacuation
Emergency evacuation options available from Mpala include road transport, Flying Doctors and Tropical Air Charters.

Download our COVID-19 policy from the link below

Download “Mpala COVID-19 Policy” Covid-19-Policy-2021.pdf – Downloaded 963 times – 212.15 KB

All researchers are required to have Doctor’s (Air Ambulance Service) membership before arrival unless they provide proof of another international medical evacuation plan. Mpala Research Centre management will facilitate Flying Doctor’s membership — please contact Cosmas Nzomo at