Spatial Data and Maps

Mpala collects and manages various spatial data sources that can be mapped in geographic information systems. General base layer data and additional data is available, and can be obtained upon request, using the Data Access Form.

Maps of Mpala and Laikipia County

Map of Mpala Research Centre and Ranch (1695 downloads )
Map of Ewaso Nyiro Ecosystem (1515 downloads )

Maps of Laikipia County

Laikipia county contains a range of landscapes due to its variation in elevation and water availability. Below are county-level maps of elevation, landcover, and vegetation.

Laikipia County Elevation map (1606 downloads )
Laikipia County Landcover map (1587 downloads )
Laikipia County Vegetation Cover (1555 downloads )

The data is fully summarized in the following publications:
Franz, T.E., Caylor, K.K., Nordbotten, J.M., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., Celia, M.A. (2010) An ecohydrological approach to predicting regional woody species distribution patterns in dryland ecosystems. Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 33, pp. 215-230.

Franz, T.E. Ecohydrology of the Upper Ewaso River Basin, Kenya. Master’s Thesis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, pp. 143, 2007.